Teulada Moraira Auditorium Calendar, January 2012

Teulada Auditorium in Teulada-Moraira

Teulada Auditorium in Teulada-Moraira

Please find below the calendar of events taking place in the Teulada Moraira Auditorium during January 2012. This venue gathers together one of the most comprehensive calendar of cultural events all across Costa Blanca North.

“Temps d’Escultures” —Sculptures time— Exhibition by Quico Torres: THis exhibition will be open to the public in the exhibitions hall until 29 April 2012. Feel free to come and visit it from Wednesday to Sunday, from 10:00 h to 13:00 h and from 18:00 h to 20:00 h.


2012 Three Wise Men Parade Teulada-Moraira

The Three Wise Men

The Three Wise Men

Once again, the Three Wise Men are about to arrive in Teulada-Moraira with loads of toys, gifts, hopes and peace. Check below the details about the arrival of the emissaries first and then the Wise Men to Teulada-Moraira so we all can go to see them coming.

On Friday 30 December at 17:00 h the royal emissaries will come to Moraira via El Portet Avenue to the Church Square, which will gather the letters of all attendees in front of the Christmas tree. After the visit of the royal emissaries, the association of Moraira Housewives will sell chocolate and sweets at reasonable prices. After visiting Moraira, the royal emissaries will go to Teulada’s Town Council square at 18:00 hours, where the will collect letters from children in town.


Teulada-Moraira Fiestas Calendar 2012

Fiestas in Teulada-Moraira

Fiestas in Teulada-Moraira

There is not too long left of 2011 and towns like Teulada-Moraira people is already working to get ready all the 2012 Fiestas and traditional celebrations.

Check below the dates and venue (and even some detailed schedules) of the holidays to come in the New Year calendar for 2012 in Teulada-Moraira:

Easter (6 to 9 April, 2012):

Procession of Silence to be held on Passover at 23:00 h in Moraira.


Rotary Club Benissa & Teulada concerts

Rotary Club Benissa & Teulada concerts

Rotary Club Benissa-Teulada

Rotary Club Benissa-Teulada

Every year, Ensemble 7 Claves and the Rotary Club Benissa-Teulada organise a series of charity concert cycles.

These events usually take place in Espai La Senieta, in Moraira. The last concert of the first cycle was held in December 2010 and the second cycle starts on 16th January and lasts 3 months, with one concert per month:

Sunday, 16th January: Cinema music. Strings and flute concert. Starting time: 19:00 h.

Sunday, 6th February: Great violin melodies. Two violins and a piano. Starting time: 19:00 h.


Teulada Christmas street market 2010

Teulada Christmas street market 2010

Teulada Christmas street market

Teulada Christmas street market

Once a week, every Spanish town has a street market where you will surely find seasonal products. However, in December, towns usually organise special markets attended by small businesses and individuals that wait during the whole year just to take part this event.

These Christmas street markets are not only themed by the season. There, you will be most likely to find specific or handcrafted items you will not be able to find anywhere else.
