Benitachell’s swimming pool closes 2 weeks for maintenance

Benitachell Swimming Pool

Benitachell Swimming Pool

The Sports Council of the City of Poble Nou de Benitachell reported that the municipal public pool will be closed from Monday 2nd to Sunday 15th September.

The maintenance of pumps and water depuration system will be performed by the staff of municipal services. There works will comprise of emptying the pool, cleaning and subsequent repair if needed. (more…)

Day of Dances in Benitachell

Day of Dances in Benitachell

Day of Dances in Benitachell

Day of Dances in Benitachell

Falqui Morro Group celebrates the second Diada de Danses (Day of the dances) today Sunday 1 September.

This festive day will take the streets with Valencia traditional dances and participative activities where all the neighbors and visitors are invited. (more…)

Walking along  the Moraig Fault

Walking along the Moraig Fault

Moraig Fault trekking, Benitatxell

Moraig Fault trekking, Benitatxell

Today we would like to bring you some information about “Moraig Fault route”: one of the most interesting outdoors leisure option around Cumbre del Sol (Poble Nou de Benitachell). This stunning trail runs parallel to Moraig Cove, passes through Cova dels Arcs and gets all the way to the sea.


Down the road that leads to the Moraig Cove (about 150 m. before reaching gettong there) you can find the path that leads to a wooden railing at your right hand, located on the edge of an abyss, from which you can observe a fault surface. This is a spectacular, almost vertical rocky wall of polished appearance and long (more…)

Movies at Benitachell’s Church Square

Benitachell church Square

Benitachell church Square

This summer we can enjoy films in Benitachell every Wednesday during the month of August at 22:00 h. in Church Square. Check below the upcoming films to be offered in town:

Wednesday 14 August: Darling Companion. (more…)