Moraig Fault trekking, Benitatxell

Moraig Fault trekking, Benitatxell

Today we would like to bring you some information about “Moraig Fault route”: one of the most interesting outdoors leisure option around Cumbre del Sol (Poble Nou de Benitachell). This stunning trail runs parallel to Moraig Cove, passes through Cova dels Arcs and gets all the way to the sea.


Down the road that leads to the Moraig Cove (about 150 m. before reaching gettong there) you can find the path that leads to a wooden railing at your right hand, located on the edge of an abyss, from which you can observe a fault surface. This is a spectacular, almost vertical rocky wall of polished appearance and long cracks formed by the friction of the rock blocks indicate the direction of the fault displacement.


Between the trail handrail and the wall of the fault can be seen the pond that where begins Riu Blanc river.


These faults have a staggered surface that generates the steep morphology that we can see along the trail and also the dramatic sea depth in this sector of the coast within few meters from the beach.  The morphology of the cliff is naturally controlled by the alternating different rocks erosion resistance.


The good underground drainage reduces the surface water availability and also limits the excavation of the valleys area.