Alicante Coasts Service revised and extended the protection of the cliffs in Moraig area

Moraig Beach

Moraig Beach

Alicante Coasts Service –office under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment- is currently performing a revision and improvement of the protective mesh on the vertical walls of the surroundings of Moraig Cove in El Poble Nou de Benitachell. The work began last Thursday close to the beach area and involves the replacement of damaged meshes and placing new ones in strategic locations where potentially could occur a landslide. (more…)

Moraig beach official bathing season ends for this year

Moraig beach official bathing season ends for this year

Moraig Cove

Moraig Cove

Check below the Town statement about the official end of bathing season in Moraig Beach:

High amount of beach goers during the official bathing season in Benitachell is the direct response of the superb conditions of local seaside spots and the environmental awards (Blue Flag and rescue special badge) received this year. (more…)

Bus service to Moraig Cove, Cumbre del Sol

Bus service to Moraig Cove, Cumbre del Sol

BUs schedule to Moraig Beach

BUs schedule to Moraig Beach

The City of Benitachell launched a bus service to access Moraig Cove. This new service, along with the construction of new parking in Cala Moraig access (constructed with the collaboration of Grupo VAPF) will ease the transportation of holiday’s goers to the beach, since people can park their cars and enjoy a convenient access. (more…)

Moraig Beach at Summer Season 2014



Last Sunday 15 June began the bathing season on Moraig beach, which this year was awarded with a special Lifesaving Service distinction, which makes it one of the three best beaches in the Spanish coast according to ADEAC agency, the same office in charge of the Blue Flag, also awarded to Moraig.

Surveillance, first aid and nursing for swimmers will be offered in daily basis from 10:00 to 18:00 hours. The town council hired the company SVS for the management of municipal service due to the positive assessment of the service during the past two years. (more…)

Moraig to Llebeig Cove cliff route

Llebeig Cove in Benitachell

Llebeig Cove in Benitachell

Today we would like to share with you some information related to “The Cliffs Road”, a part of SL V-50 route at Cumbre del Sol The route has a length of 4 kilometers (about 1 hour to be completed at regular pace)  and has an  average difficulty.

The trail runs along the Costa Blanca North cliff formation, where hikers can enjoy the magnificent views of the landscape and visiting the remains of the caves (more…)