Teulada-Moraira Sea Festival and Party

Teulada-Moraira Sea Festival and Party

Teulada-Moraira Sea Festival and Party

After enjoying the V Benissa Food Fair and Xaló’s First Slaughter and Traditional Sausage Making Fair, the program of 2012 Let go active holidays schedule of events invites you to the Teulada-Moraira Sea Festival and Party.

The Teulada-Moraira Sea Festival and Party will take place during the weekend from 7 to 8 April, Saturday and Sunday. During this weekend, anyone attending the event will enjoy free activities such as kayaking, stand up paddle and sailing. Also, beginner courses, kayak rides, stand-up paddle and sailing, and kayak races. To this, we can add prizes and kayak exhibitions, as well as related materials, shows and music.


Ondara Fair 2011 from 12 to 27 November

Ondara Fair

Ondara Fair

Today, Saturday 12 November will kick-off the Ondara Fair 2011, best known as the “Ondar’as Fair of Fairs 2011”.

This fair includes several exhibitions dedicated to different topics, as Cocentaina Fair did last month: trade show, attractions, food fair, trade fair, medieval market, market animals and baroque fair. All the shows will take place on Saturdays and Sundays, as toy can see below:

Ondara Fair Program 2011:


Moros y Cristianos 2011 at Teulada-Moraira

Moors and Christians in Moraira

Moors and Christians in Moraira

The traditional Moros y Cristianos –Moors and Christians-2011 fiesta at Teulada-Moraira is in June, and the Schedule of events is as follows:

Saturday 11:
14:00 h: Paella contest and water fight

Sunday 12:
19:00 h: Start of the International Jazz, Folk, Rock and Country Music Festival.

Monday 13:


2010 Christmas concerts in Javea

2010 Christmas concerts in Javea

Professional Music Conservatory of Javea

Professional Music Conservatory of Javea

In Javea, Christmas time has a music background. These are the Christmas concerts for the 2010 season:

Saturday, 11th December: Christmas Concert interpreted by the Grupo Polifónico Ars Nova -polyphonic group.
Time: 20:30 h. Location: Agustinas Convent, Placeta del Convent.


Autumn concerts in Teulada-Moraira

Espai La Senieta

Espai La Senieta

Teulada-Moraira will host a series of private, public and charity concerts throughout November and December 2010:

Concerts season organised by the Benissa-Teulada Rotary Club:

SPANISH MUSIC FOR SAXO AND PIANO: November 7th at 19:00 h in Espai La Senieta-Moraira. €10 donation as admission fee. Please call at +34 609682391 or +34 609656409 for advance tickets.
