Grupo VAPF Contributes to Cáritas Benitatxell and Benissa

Grupo VAPF Contributes to Cáritas Benitatxell and Benissa

Grupo VAPF donated funds to Cáritas Parroquial Benissa and Cáritas Parroquial Benitatxell, and committed to keep doing so on an annual basis to contribute to the socio-economic development of the communities where it operates.

Cáritas is the charitable organization of the Catholic Church, consisting of approximately 6,000 parish Caritas, 70 diocesan Cáritas and their corresponding regional or autonomous Cáritas.

More than 5,000 volunteer teams constitute the whole of parish Cáritas associations, which make up probably the most extensive and closest support network for people in situations of exclusion and vulnerability, regardless of their religion, contributing with them by covering basic needs such as food, housing, medicines, employment, etc.