Save the Tourist Rental

Save the Tourist Rental

“Save the Tourist Rental” Platform recently sent us an e-mail with interesting information about the proposed new laws intended to make us very difficult to rent our homes during holiday season.

“Save the Tourist Rental” Platform  raises the following questions:

What if you could not rent your home for less than 5 days?

What if you need a pre-approval and authorization from the homeowners association to rent your home?

What if you could not rent your home more than twice a year?

What if you could not rent your first home?

What if you could not rent more than one of your properties?

What if you could not rent your home because it is in the city center?

All these restrictions have been imposed in other regions. Do not let the same thing happen in Valencia Region.

Let us fight together for a fair law! Let’s save the tourist rental!

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