We want to share with you the information about the Green and Bio Markets held in Costa Blanca North. Today we bring you details of Mercat del Porxes (Benissa) and Mercat del RiuRau (Jesus Pobre).
Saturday 14 May
Benissa’s Mercat del Porxes
Organic and local produce and delicacies directly from farmers and artisans. This Saturday, the featured product will be the seasonal potatoes. You can also enjoy the performance of singer Xus Garcia and participate in the Sewing Workshop.
Starting at 09:00 h.
Venue: Rei Jaume I Sq.
Jesus Pobre’s Mercat del Riurau
Held every Sunday. It also has a bar and live music from 12:00 h. Check below the calendar of upcoming concerts:
Sunday 15: Venininivincent
Sunday 22: Juanes
Sunday 29: Marco Romero
Also. For only 3 €, you can take the same day one of the following spring excursions organized from 10:00 h. from the marketplace area:
- 15 May: “Ruta del Agua” tour to Bassa dels Moros and other irrigation and water systems.
- 29 May: The Route of the Dry Stone, visiting 19th century embankments