Check below the full program of events to be held in Poble Nou de Benitachell to celebrate Christmas, including Christmas market, nativity scenes inauguration, storytelling, Santa Claus visit and more:
Wednesday 16 December
White Voices concert at 19:00 h. at Mary Magdalene Church.
Sunday 20 December
Santa Claus and his elves visit at 17:30 h. in Church Square.
Wednesday 23 December
Christmas carols sung by the Christian Fellowship on at 12:00 h. at Market Square.
Wednesday 23 December
Christmas carols and poems reading at 19:30 h. at María Magdalena Church.
Saturday 2 January and Sunday 3 January
Farce “Per la Fam d’inherit” at the marquee located at Plaza Nueva Sq. at 19:00 h.
Tuesday 5 January
Three wise men parade at 18:30 h.
Wednesday 6 January
Mass of Three wise men at 18:00 h. at the Church of María Magdalena.