“Family Talks” is a series of lectures aimed at parents of elementary and high school children. The lectures will take every Wednesday of May at the Municipal Library. Further information at 96 649 33 69.
The lectures offered are:
Wednesday 6 May at 20:00 h.: “Preventing drug use” by Joan Josep Sala
Wednesday 14 May at 20:00 h.: “Communication with my teenager” by Agustín Rechea.
Wednesday 21 May 20:00 h.: “Self-esteem and motivation for children” by Victoria Ortolà.
Wednesday 28 May 20:00 h.: “Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” by Joan Josep Sala and Victòria Ortolà . .
Event organized by Teulada High School PTA and the Benitachell Town Social Services Department.
Also on Friday 16 May at 19:00 h. at the Municipal Library, Benitachell Town Social Services Department is offering the Lecture “Rights, assistance and benefits” aimed at for parents to be.