Moors and Christians Festival is coming to Moraira from 7 to 16 with all the fun, colorful events, music and smell of gunpowder all around the town.
Check below the full schedule of the festival:
Friday 7 June
22.00h.: Opening speech by Ms. Nora Cuenca Casanova at Espai the Senieta. Then, Senieta Choir performance.
Saturday 8 June
12.00 h.: Moors and Christians gathering at the urban forest and meal preparation.
22.00 h.: Gathering of all Moors and Christians groups at the Fort and parade accompanied by the Drums and Flutes of “Associación dolçainers i tabaleters Colla el Falçó de Teulada”
22.30 h.: Presentation of Flags and Oldies music show.
Sunday 9 June
19.00 h.: International Jazz, Folk, Rock and Country Music Festival.
Monday 10 June
19.00 h.: Moors and Christians children drawing competition at Church Square.
Tuesday 11 June
21.00 h.: English Choir Concert in the Parish of Moraira.
Wednesday 12 June
10.30 h.: Drums and Flutes concert of “Associación dolçainers i tabaleters Colla el Falçó de Teulada” at Church Square.
Friday 14 June
13.00 h.: Parade.
13.30 h.: Shots of musketry at Paseo del Castillo.
19.00 h.: Offering of flowers in honor of the Holy Christ of Moraira in Moraira Church.
23.00 h.: Enactment of Moor Conquest at Ampollà Beach Then Capitanías night with musical performances.
Saturday 15 June
08.00 h.: Wake up with muskets firing.
10.45 h.: Gathering of all rows Moors and Christians groups at the Fortand parade
12.00 h.: Mass in honor of the Holy Christ of Moraira.
12.45 h.: Muskets shooting at Castle Esplanade.
13.00 h.: Parade.
19.30 h.: Christian fight back and Castle assault.
24.00 h.: Music until late.
Sunday 16 June
09.00 h.: General Despertá muskets.
12.30 h.: Informal Parade.
13.30 h.: Shots of musketry at Castle Esplanade.
18.00 h.: Music bands parade from the Olivera roundabout to the Fort
19.00 h.: Grand Gala Parade with all participants of the fiesta.