Fiestas in Benitachell to honour Mary Magdalene

Fiestas in Benitachell to honour Mary Magdalene

Check here the complete program of the Fiestas at Poble Nou de Benitachell in honor of St. Mary Magdalene from Friday 20 July until Sunday 29 July.

Friday 20 July: live concert of the Colla la Llebetjà. After the musical performance, everyone is invited to a dinner enlivened by the Bradmis orchestra.

Saturday 21: Presentation of the fiestas staff and organizers in a gala ceremony at 23:30 h. After the presentation there will be a live music show performed by “La Tribu” orchestra.

Sunday 22: Fiesta in honor of St. Mary Magdalene, which begins with a loud “awakening” fire cracker show and continues with a parade, Mass, procession and  a spectacular fireworks show and live performance of  “La Bruja” orchestra  at the Plaza Nueva Square.

Monday 23:  Sant Roc fiesta party and Mass at noon, while the fiestas clubs mount the boxes for the bull releases that night at 19:00 h.

Tuesday 24: Day of St. Kitts begins with the blessing of the vehicles in Market Square. Later in the afternoon there will be live music and parades, and that night everyone is invited to a massive street discotheque and foam party.

The day in honor of St. James will be devoted to traditional religious ceremonies until   17:00 h., when there will be a Pilota Vlencia (Valencia ball game) match and fire cracker show after that, followed of live music with Limite Orchestra.

Thursday 26: Release of bulls and bull embolado (with horns set on fire).

Friday 27:  heifers release for children entertainment and paella contest. Then, more bullfighting.

The Quintadas (groups of people of the same age) have their big day on Saturday 28, with party all day, music and open air discotheque.

That evening will also perform Pep Botifarra and Monte Carlo orchestra.

On Sunday 29 July, the morning will be full of fun with the “Crazy Cars” stunt show and later that afternoon, the fiestas will end with a street bulls release and a fireworks  street war.