The Alicante Youth Orchestra

The Alicante Youth Orchestra

The Teulada-Moraira Auditorium recently opened its doors a couple of months ago and the long list of concerts, plays and exhibitions held in this venue to date make it seem like it was ages since the first event took place.

In July, the Auditorium welcomes a talented group of musicians: The Orquesta de Jóvenes de la Provincia de Alicante —the Alicante Province youth Orchestra.

Francisco Maestre, a great director, leads the orchestra while Juan Sáez Pertusa, the president, is on charge of leading this non-profit organization which main purpose is to share and promote their love for music.

The OPJA —short for its name in Spanish— will hold a concert on 2nd July at the Teulada-Moraira Auditorium.

Two excellent soloists will accompany the orchestra: Andrei Frolov and Concha Marcos de León.

Admission is free but limited to capacity of the venue. We recommend you to arrive early to secure a seat and enjoy this great concert.