During the months of August and September 2012 new paddle and tennis courts will be opened at Cumbre del Sol Residential Estates.
Those interested in playing can book a court and collect and return the court’s access keys at La Cumbre Restaurant, telephone number 966 493 213.
– 20 € key security deposit. The deposit will be refunded after the return of the key.
– 3 € Fees for reserve management / handing of keys
Booking from Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00 to 21:00 h. There is no possibility of night time use of the court due to the lights were damaged by the vandalism
The Sports Centre is located in Fresnos Zone right next to Pueblo de la Paz Estates.
There are 2 Tennis courts and 2 paddle courts open for the amusement of local residents and tourists during the August and September 2012 .