Find below some useful information for all residents of Benitachell and Cumbre del Sol regarding the sporting event just published by the sports council for the academic year 2012-2013.
Courses and activities open for this year: Gymnastics, aerobics, pilates, Valencian ball, tennis and karate, all of them at different levels and for all ages.
The registration will be open from Monday 3 to Friday 28 September. All those interested may inquire and enroll at the Town Library Monday to Friday from 09:30 to 14:00 h. and from 16:30 to 19:30 h. The documents required to be presented at the time of completing the registration is a photocopy of ID card, passport or NIE, application form (downloadable from ) and the yellow copy of the form of bank deposit (or proof of transfer , if applicable).
Keep tuned for next week announcements for possible new children sporting activities open in town like football, multisport, basketball, racquetball and rhythmic gymnastics.