Check below the Program of events in Benissa in the framework of the celebrations of the Benissa Puríssima Xiqueta Festival 201
Friday 20 April “Coronation Day”
22:30 h.: Presentation and coronation of the queen and junior queen. Then performance of the group “La Década Prodigiosa” and then a Dance Party.
Saturday 21 April 21 “Day of the Offering”
19:30 h.: Floral Offering and awarding medals to fest participants
00:30 h.: Fireworks show
01:00 h.: Performance by “El Pecao” and performance of the Matrix orchestra.
Sunday 22 April “Day of the Purissima”
11:30 h.: Solemn Mass and then firecrackers show by Vicente Caballer pyrotechnics.
19:00 h.: Parade and more fireworks.
01:00 h.: Performance of “Los Secretos” and then street discotheque party.
Monday 23 April”Day of the Ribereros”
11:30 h.: Mass
13:30 h.: Offering to Riberero Memorial
14:00 h.: Firectracker Show
18:30 h.: Grand Parade
20:30 h.: Performance of the magician Jammes Garibo .
00:00 h.: Traditional singing of the Salve de la Purissima Xiqueta
00:30 h.: Firecracker and fireworks show
Tuesday 24 April “Day of dels Fadrins”
12:30 h.: Great lunch and brass music
18:30 h.: Grand parade with entertainment for children and humor acts
23:00 h.: Night for the youth with the performances of Muyayo Riff, Ki Sap, and Aspencat
Saturday 28 April “Day of led Anyades”
14:00 h.: Giant paella at Dolores Park with brass bands music and dance all the afternoon.